Gleix Live Visuals in NYC // Highlights, Event Blog + Archive

Live custom generative visuals, general AV, and VJ services for festivals, concerts, and corporate events by Gleix, an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Years of experience both creating and performing live visuals for high profile artists, events, and venues, having acted as part of in-house visuals at The Brooklyn Mirage and Avant Gardner 2018-2023.

Live software tools: TouchDesigner, Notch, Resolume Arena

Notable events & clients:

The Brooklyn Mirage, Avant Gardner

Electric Zoo NYC

All Day I Dream


Bonobo • Nina Kraviz • Carl Cox • Sasha & John Digweed • Boris Brejcha • Afterlife • Com Truise • Chris Lake

2022 highlights

2021 highlights // Avant Gardner, The Brooklyn Mirage

Event recaps typically limited to shows where my own visuals were used and is not inclusive of the full number of events that were worked/VJ’d. These recaps focus on my personal contributions.

2018-2020 highlights // Avant Gardner, The Brooklyn Mirage

Check here for a playlist of just video recaps from 2019.

View all/older events (Begins June 2018-2020)

For DJ Squnto's 2018 'Strikes Back' 40 stop US bus tour I was recruited to provide a detailed transcription of roughly 2.5 hours of electronic music spanning more than 65 individual songs as lighting data. The goal was to represent the most up-front sonic elements of individual instrumentation such as pitch, timbres, volume, filters, panning, and an assortment of other parameters, as well as any percussive hits and melodic lines, in a way that would easily translate to the visual system architecture built by Jonathan Thompson for the tour.

The final transcriptions were exported as 14-bit MIDI files. MIDI channels were assigned to individual voices and CC values for each channel were automated through high-res hand-drawn envelopes. Data was mapped and integrated by Jonathan.

Additional Info:

Early Lighting Experiments

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#midi to #dmx #lighting #programming #aphextwin #flim

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